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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting the word out

Hello again! It's probably been too long since we last updated, but things in the office have been busy. Hard to imagine being that busy when we aren't running camp, I bet you're thinking. As a matter of fact, we're in one of our busiest times of the off-season. Our brochure is out and in the hands of our camp friends and family. We anxiously await those registrations, and really do get exited about each one that comes through! We've already been to one camp fair this winter. The Metro Parent Summer Camp Fair was held January 29-30 in Ann Arbor and Beverly Hills. We had the opportunity to talk to a good amount of people, and even saw a few current campers!

Besides getting all of the promotional materials ready for the camp fairs we will be attending, we are in the process of creating packets of information to send to local churches, hoping to get the word out about Camp CedarRidge. Though we do have lists of churches, if you know of a church that you think would benefit from receiving that information (brochures, the dvd, flyers, an intro letter), please contact the camp office so that we can send one to them! We want to reach as many prospective campers as we can!

Thank you for your continued support and prayer! It is much appreciated!