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Monday, December 20, 2010


WOW! There's only 5 days left until Christmas and you can sense that people are in the christmas gift rush, going from store to store trying to find that gift their child, friend, coworker, you name it wants. As I've never been much of a shopper, it was somewhat overwhelming to go out on saturday to find some christmas gifts. 5 hours later I had everything I needed to exchange gifts with my family. I'm more of a personal gift giver, so I enjoy creating gifts that you won't typical buy.

One of the thoughts that I have had during this Christmas season is how important it is to spend time with those you love. Everybody probably hears the Christmas phrases like "He's the reason for the season" and we may not think much of them, but if you take a minute to stop and really think, there's more to it than just a phrase. The real reason we celebrate Christmas is the birth of Jesus. With his birth, we were given the remarkable gift of eternal life and our lives were changed forever by His birth and later, His sacrifice. And so I ask you, has Christ really changed your life? Try to think of it in terms of those Christmas gifts you are shopping for. Is that what Christmas really is about? Getting the right gift? Or spending it in worship of fellowship celebrating the birth of our Savior.

My challenge to you this week is to celebrate Christmas for THE reason of Christ's birth and the special time you get to spend with those you love because Jesus Christ was born and reigns in our hearts.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The past month

I apologize that we haven't posted in almost a month! With the holidays and new year quickly approaching, we have been quite busy in the office working to get our 2011 publications completed. The brochure looks great and we are hoping to send it off to be printed before the end of the week! We are excited for some of the new programs and dates that we have set for the 2011 season. Sorry, but you'll have to wait until the brochure comes out to see just what they are! We are planning on sending the brochures out before new years, and our registration should be open starting January 1st! The 2011 dates and information will also be up on our website in the next few weeks.

It's hard to believe that is already the second week in december. The fall seemed to fly by and a lot has happened. Many of you have already heard that Ptarmi had a house fire almost a week ago. She continues to meet with companies and insurance people to get her house put back. Please continue to pray for her. She probably won't be able to be back in her house until the spring, possibly closer to the summer, and soon she will be having to deal with the outcome of her belongings and clothing being cleaned and what did and didn't make it because of smoke and/or water damage. Once we have a better idea of what she needs, I would like to send out another email asking for help. If you haven't received the first few emails sent from, please email us to let us know and we'll be sure to include you from now on!

May God continue to bless and keep you in this Christmas season! Always remember the reason why we celebrate!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The perpetual "What do you do now" question...

From mid June through the end of August people know what we do! We do camp! The daily hustle and bustle up in the woods keeps us pretty busy as we have new programs start each week, new staff coming in and out, paperwork to log, inspections, campers to hang out with, and all the crazy campiness that goes on in the national forest.

And then we have the fall season when we travel back and forth almost every weekend for parent/child weekends and work weekends. Finally, in mid-late october, our site team blows out all the water lines so that the pipes don't freeze, turns off all the power, locks everything up, and closes camp for the winter.

And then we relax and take a vacation... NOT!!!

Although there is a bit of a lull in our schedule after all this happens, our work at the metro office is always keeping us busy. If you look back to last weeks post, we've got the fall newsletter to get out, fundraisers to execute (like the zoo walk) and communications to be made from the previous summer. One of the biggest tasks that is on our "to-do" list right now is the 2011 brochure. With that, we have to set our 2011 schedule, pricing, and programs. You're probably starting to get the picture that we still have work to do in the off season!

Then we have promotion. How are we supposed to reach out to new campers if we don't promote?! So that means creating a promo dvd, getting information about camp fairs and other promotional events, connecting with churches, and updating ALL of our forms so that they are ready come January to start registration!

All that to say....this is what we are doing now!!! I won't bore you with more details, but we just thought it would be nice to give an answer to that perpetual question!

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A lesson on the Lord's timing...not ours

This past week has been a good lesson on the Lord's timing at the Camp CedarRidge office. We have been working on the Fall Newsletter since the beginning of October, and had set October 27th as the date of mailing it out. But God had other plans!

The process of printing this newsletter involved printing both the newsletter page and our zoo walk page, which detailed that fundraiser and everything that went on that day. All together, we had to make over 4,500 copies! (since our newsletter is double sided) Our printer did pretty well with printing the single sided zoo walk page, and then as we were printing the front page of the newsletter, we started received the "replace toner" error from the printer. Thankfully, we had some toners ready to change out with the old ones! We made it through the front side printing, but then the "drum life" error showed up. This "drum life" error is not so fun! The image drums are what hold the toner and transfer the right amount onto the page. They have about a 15,000 page yield, and after finding out we hadn't replaced ours since May '09, it was no wonder why the drum life was gone! We were able to trick the printer into continuing to print, but when the image drum really began to fail we had to pause our printing until the new drums arrived in the mail.

All that to say, we weren't able to finish the printing portion of the newsletter until this past monday, 4 days after we were hoping to have it mailed!

The next step in the process is taking all our materials and stuffing, sealing, labeling, and counting our envelopes. Usually this process takes quite a few hours, and we normally dedicate a whole work day to this. But, as God's timing only took us 3 hours to complete! I think God understood our frustration from the previous week and blessed us yesterday with a quick finish!

The newsletter is now out in the mail on its way to you! What a good lesson on trusting that God's timing is best, and even though our expectations and desires aren't always met, He knows exactly what we need...exactly when we need it!

Blessings to you!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Makeover for the barn

A crew of workers traveled up to camp on friday to take on the large task of cleaning out the barn and then moving some of camps things in to be stored for the winter. If you've been down to the horses, you know that the barn is fairly large and it is the best place in camp to store things over the winter since it stays dry and we can lock everything up. During the season when we are at camp, we are able to use it to house lumber, tools, the tractor, our lawn mowers, and many other things. As the years have gone by, things have become "lost" in the barn, unfortunately! But this weekend was all about cleaning it up!

It was a bit rainy on saturday, but the crew was able to clean out and organize the lumber, build a few new racks to store the remaining lumber we had from paneling the ridge cabins, and take home metal that we will be able to scrap for some money among other things. They also dug out the wall to put in a groundhog (or chipmuck) block in. Hopefully that will keep the critters away over the winter!

It's a good feeling to be able to clean and organize something like the barn, and now we're able to store what we need to this winter!

Hope this post finds you enjoying this fall day. May you be blessed!

Monday, October 18, 2010

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to spend some time with my family at a cottage near Muskegon, MI. It was a relaxed, laid-back weekend, with lots of laughter, playing stickers with my niece, and walking to the beach and through town. On friday, when we first arrived, we were walking through town and we went into a kite shop to look at what they had (a lot of the shops had sales because many close for the winter). When my brother was younger, he used to fly trick kites, and was pretty good at them! Anyway, the owner of the store let my dad borrow a kite for the weekend and so we spent a lot of time on the beach flying that kite!

As I have been reflecting on the weekend, I was blessed by the simplicity and joy of something like flying a kite. When was the last time you did something as fun and simple like that? We so easily get caught up in the busyness of work, school, kids activities, and running around all day long that we have forgotten what it feels like to sit and relax, and do something like fly a kite!

My challenge to you this week then is to make some time to do something fun and enjoyable! For me, it was flying a kite on the beach and spending time with my family doing nothing. May you be blessed this week as you find joy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Well, we just got back on Saturday afternoon from a few days up at camp, and I'm so excited to share some of the photos that we took so that you can see just how different camp looks in another season other than summer!

The fall colors are about a week ahead of what they look like downstate, but it still isn't fully fall up in Oscoda. The leaves sure are changing though, and that made for beautiful trees along the camp road!

We spent friday and saturday at camp working on cleaning out the kitchen, packing the van full of the craft cabin materials and other paints that would freeze in the winter, and enjoying fires in the lodge at the end of the day! : ) Not many people know about all the work that goes in to closing camp down for the winter, so hopefully you're able to get a little glimpse today! One of the main projects like I said was cleaning out the kitchen. If you didn't hear, camp lost power right before Mother/Daughter weekend in September, so that meant that the majority of our food spoiled. Ptarmi and I had the fun job of disposing of that food and giving the fridge a major scrubbing and wash down to ensure that it stayed clean over the winter. We also covered all of the dishracks (it helps keep the dust and other things out over the winter) and packed away any paper goods that our little mouse friends like to use for their homes! After we pretty much finished with those projects, we spent some time up the hill taking down the Outer Limits boulder wall, and other initiatives.

We were so thankful for the warm weather while we were up at camp. Hopefully only a few more trips before we will have everything ready for the winter! Hope you enjoy some pictures of camp in the fall!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall is Here

Well it's been quite some time since we have updated the blog. Sorry about that! After finishing our summer up at camp, we moved back downstate but hit the ground running with the Labor Day work weekend, then Mother/Daughter weekend, and finally, our most recent event, the 3rd Annual Zoo Walk! All that to say, the month of September was pretty busy for us!

We're at the end of our fall season, which means we'll be closing up camp for the winter. It's hard to imagine camp in the middle of winter because most people see it in the summer. Everything is the same, just with lots of snow on it! (I know, I already said the "s" word!) Our site team will head up to camp in the next few weeks to winterize our buildings and clear all of the water out of our pipes so that they don't freeze and break. Hopefully next time we're up, we'll be able to take a few fall pictures of camp and post them so that everyone can see the difference when the leaves are falling!

Our 3rd Annual Zoo Walk was on September 25th. It was a beautiful day for the walk, and we had a blast! We were suprised to see so many new faces that morning, but we were grateful for all the people who invited friends and family to come along for this great fundraiser. Though we didn't reach our goal of $20,000, we still have pledge money coming in and are blessed by what people did raise through pledges and for all of the support that was given for this event. There were games (the kids loved playing the toilet paper toss), and breakfast food donated from Einsteins, Tim Hortons, Trader Joes, GFS, and Bagel & Bites. Also, we had prizes that we gave out for the top fundraiser, the person that traveled the farthest to come, the longest involved camp member, the youngest walker, and a few other prizes!

Talking about the zoo walk...if anyone is interested in buying a zoo walk t-shirt, we still have some available for $10. Let us know and we can get one to you!

I think that's about all for now. I apologize again that it has been so long since we updated, but hopefully we can improve from here on out! So check back soon!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Winding down

Greetings from Girls week 3! It's hard to believe that we are almost finished with our Girls camp sessions. This week has been a very uneventful week (which is usually a good thing!) weather wise. The weather has been beautiful other than a little bit of rain during outpost night, so the pool has been busy most days with lots of swimmers.

After we finish this week, we will begin our transition into the end of the summer programming. Culinary Camp had to be canceled due to low registration numbers, but we are still running Science Camp and Camp 101. After that, we will pack our things up and move back down state to open up our metro office again. Then, until October, camp will be busy most weekends with work weekends and parent-child programs.

I'm hoping to get a few other summer staff on the blog to comment on this season, so be on the lookout for that!

Please continue to pray for camp and all of the staff who will be departing this weekend. Also for those that are staying to finish out the season. Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer just keeps on rolling

The title of this post really describes how camp goes once we get into full swing with programs. So far we've had Horse Camp, Boys Camp, Family Camp, and our first week of Girls Camp. All of these went well! Hopefully I can take some time to talk individually about each program, but for the sake of time, I will keep it short.

One of the highlights that came during Family Camp was saturday morning's theme! The theme for the week was Happy Holidays, so we had a different holiday to celebrate each day. Saturday was Christmas which entailed wearing our pajamas to breakfast, having christmas ornaments all over the commons, "snowing" the bird and the dining hall with cotton balls, and exchanging secret santa gifts between the families and staff. Oh...and I can't icing on the cinnamon rolls!

We just started our second week of Girls Camp. It's becoming a regular thing for it to rain during registration on sunday, but no one seemed to mind and everyone got here safely. Our theme this week is "Week at the Museum", so we're excited to see what type of fun activities we'll be doing.

Our apologies for not updating every week like we were trying to, hopefully the remainder of the summer will be better!

Monday, April 12, 2010

What's been happening

So, we made it past the April 1st Early Bird Discount deadline. Thanks to everyone who registered ahead of time! If you're still thinking about registering, you have up until..well..up until you come to camp! Obviously, we'd love to know beforehand that you are coming, and it would sure make things easier for the Business manager, but hey, sign up whenever you can! Be sure to tell your friends too!

Is it really already April 12th? Seemed like just yesterday that we are working on planning out the brochure and summer season, and now we're just about to start opening camp up! Ptarmi and Stilt will be up at camp for the first time in 2 weekends to get things cleaned up and ready for our first work weekend. We have a special service project going on at the end of the month. Solid Rock Church will be bringing a group to replace roofs in all of the Cedar Cabins and the Lodge. It'll be a great start to our season!

Things here in the office are getting busy. We have volunteers that have been coming in and helping update our ACA Manual for our inspection this summer. Who knew the ACA standards manual could be SO big! Some of the other big things happening in the office are clothing selections for the summer, church packets going out, AND our newsletter just went out in the mail! Keep an eye out for it!

Check back soon and we'll hopefully have some pictures up of our new apparel!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Some new ways to check us out!

A lot has been happening here in the office as we've been working on promoting and getting the word out about camp. Things are coming together quickly and we really appreciate the work and time that Linux has put in on our website, as well as helping with other promotion opportunities.

You can now find us on YouTube! We've put a few videos up so far, including short testimonials about camp and our 2010 promotional video. If you want to see more about what we do, the promotional video is a great place to learn about that! Grab your friends and have them watch it too.

And just to remind everyone, we are on Facebook under the page "Huron Forest Camp CedarRidge". Become a fan today! We update that regularly, so be sure to visit our page.

We are getting excited about the 2010 season (despite the recent 6 1/2 in snow fall and cold weather), and can see the summer approaching quickly! Can't wait to see everyone at camp this summer!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Metro Parent Camp Fair

I hope you all are enjoying the snow!

This past weekend we were at the Metro Parent Summer Camp Fair in Ann Arbor and West Bloomfield, Michigan. Saturday's fair was held at Briarwood Mall, which was a new location for the Ann Arbor portion of the fair. Though the configuration of the booths was a bit interesting because of being in the center of a mall, our booth was conveniently placed directly across from the Starbucks kiosk! Meaning there was a lot of foot traffic through the area. Two staff members from this past summer joined us on Saturday in Ann Arbor, and we were able to connect with many people.

Sunday's portion was held at West Bloomfield High School. Though this day started off a little bit slower, we still were able to promote camp and have many people come visit our table. We even had a family come stop by who joined us for family camp last year! They said they are looking forward to seeing us again this summer!

Overall, our first camp fair of the season was a success! Our promotional materials got into prospective campers/families hands, and we are excited to see registrations come in! I've included a picture of our table so that you can see just what it looked like! Have a blessed day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February promotion month

Happy Monday everyone! As the month of January seems to have flown by, welcome to February. February is probably one of the busiest months for the camp office as it is the beginning of many promotional events and happenings.

This saturday and sunday, Feb 6th and 7th, we will be taking part in the annual Metro Parent Camp Fair. On Saturday, Feb 6th, we will be at Briarwood Mall in Ann Arbor from 11:00-3:30pm with our own promotional table. Sunday Feb 7th we head back east for another day of the fair at West Bloomfield High School from 11:00-3:30pm. You can get more information about the fair by calling us, or visiting the Metro Parent website: Click on the "Summer Fair" icon on their main page. If you, or anyone you know wants more information about camp, please feel free to stop by our table either of these days! We will have brochures, information sheets, and other flyers for our individual programs.

Another way we are trying to promote camp this season is by asking the friends and family of HFCC to help get the word out by providing us with 20-30 names and addresses of their friends and family who might be interested in learning more about us and coming to camp. Look for an email soon regarding this event and how you can help out!

Keep sending in those registrations. We want to fill camp this summer! Have a blessed week.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Camp in the winter

Happy New Year everyone! Things are getting into full swing for us here at Camp CedarRidge. After the Christmas party and planning meeting, we have all of our themes planned and are ready to start promoting for this summer with our first camp fair Feb 6-7! Hosted by Metro Parent Magazine, Feb 6 we will be at Briarwood Mall in Ann Arbor and on Feb 7 at West Bloomfield High School. If you know of anyone who might be interested in camp this summer, tell them to stop by our table. We'd love to meet them!

Going along with promotion, we just mailed out our 2010 brochures. Thanks to everyone who helped get the brochures and other important information ready to mail last weekend! It should be arriving in your mailboxes soon! If you would like brochures to pass out to friends, family, or at your church please let us know and we'll be sure to get those to you or send them to your church.

Registration for the 2010 season is now available! Be sure to visit our website at to register online. We are excited to start processing them!

In other news, Ptarmi and a few other camp staff had the opportunity to snowshoe into camp last sunday. It was a blast! Though there was less snow than we expected, we still had a great time and even did a bit of sledding while in camp! It was fun to see camp in the winter, covered in snow. We found deer, elk, and coyote tracks along the way! We even had a chance to hike back to the beaver dam. Hopefully our beaver friend is enjoying a nice winter in his lodge underneath the frozen surface! Speaking of the Lodge, it sure was cold in there! After we hiked in and unlocked the dining hall and lodge, we sat down for some lunch. Unfortunately, it was only 22 degrees inside the Lodge! Brrrrr!!! It was such a fun adventure to snowshoe into camp. If you've ever tried to imagine what camp looks like in the winter, here are some pictures to help!