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Monday, December 20, 2010


WOW! There's only 5 days left until Christmas and you can sense that people are in the christmas gift rush, going from store to store trying to find that gift their child, friend, coworker, you name it wants. As I've never been much of a shopper, it was somewhat overwhelming to go out on saturday to find some christmas gifts. 5 hours later I had everything I needed to exchange gifts with my family. I'm more of a personal gift giver, so I enjoy creating gifts that you won't typical buy.

One of the thoughts that I have had during this Christmas season is how important it is to spend time with those you love. Everybody probably hears the Christmas phrases like "He's the reason for the season" and we may not think much of them, but if you take a minute to stop and really think, there's more to it than just a phrase. The real reason we celebrate Christmas is the birth of Jesus. With his birth, we were given the remarkable gift of eternal life and our lives were changed forever by His birth and later, His sacrifice. And so I ask you, has Christ really changed your life? Try to think of it in terms of those Christmas gifts you are shopping for. Is that what Christmas really is about? Getting the right gift? Or spending it in worship of fellowship celebrating the birth of our Savior.

My challenge to you this week is to celebrate Christmas for THE reason of Christ's birth and the special time you get to spend with those you love because Jesus Christ was born and reigns in our hearts.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The past month

I apologize that we haven't posted in almost a month! With the holidays and new year quickly approaching, we have been quite busy in the office working to get our 2011 publications completed. The brochure looks great and we are hoping to send it off to be printed before the end of the week! We are excited for some of the new programs and dates that we have set for the 2011 season. Sorry, but you'll have to wait until the brochure comes out to see just what they are! We are planning on sending the brochures out before new years, and our registration should be open starting January 1st! The 2011 dates and information will also be up on our website in the next few weeks.

It's hard to believe that is already the second week in december. The fall seemed to fly by and a lot has happened. Many of you have already heard that Ptarmi had a house fire almost a week ago. She continues to meet with companies and insurance people to get her house put back. Please continue to pray for her. She probably won't be able to be back in her house until the spring, possibly closer to the summer, and soon she will be having to deal with the outcome of her belongings and clothing being cleaned and what did and didn't make it because of smoke and/or water damage. Once we have a better idea of what she needs, I would like to send out another email asking for help. If you haven't received the first few emails sent from, please email us to let us know and we'll be sure to include you from now on!

May God continue to bless and keep you in this Christmas season! Always remember the reason why we celebrate!